An interview we conducted at tekniska museet, we introduced ourselves as KTH students and asked if we could do an interview and record the session. The interviewer was Eric and I recorded as well as transcribed the interview.
E = Eric, I = Interview subject.
E: Varför valde du att gå på just det här museet?
I: Jag har barn.
E: Yes…Vad tror du att de uppskattar här?
I: Vad de uppskattar, vad jag tror att de uppskattar är grävskopan.
E: Ja, de verkar ha det grymt kul i alla fall. Är det första gången ni är här?
I: Nej, jag har varit här ett ex antal gånger, kanske tre-fyra gånger.
E: Och det är just för barnen?
I: Ja.
E: Känns det som att du saknar någonting?
I: Jag har inte varit runt hela, kanske något pysselställe eller kanske… och någon som berättar lite om saker. Lite mera tourer, liksom. Man är lätt vilse.
E: Ja, det är helt tomt här. Vilken målgrupp tror du att det här museet har?
I: Barn.
E: Och vad vill ni få ut?
I: Glada barn.
E: Grymt, tack snälla!
To summarize this interview; we interviewed a father of two lively kids who enjoyed their visit at the museum. His main goal with the visit to tekniska museet was to make his children happy and the children's interest in the museum was to explore all the things and at the time of the interview that thing was an excavator. The thing that the interview subject felt were missing at the museum was a place where the children could do arts and craft and perhaps arrange for a guided tour around the museum.
State-of-the-art analysis:
We went to to tekniska museet and observed a part of their exhibition called Digital Revolution, consisting of three big screens projecting an animated version of the person interacting with the screen. The screens were able to do this with sensors on pillars that was behind the person and the screen, and would record the motion of the person. It works kind of like Xbox Kinect does.
Each of the screens had their own respective functions, but they all had a similar theme of birds.
For example would the person's projection be an image of the person but with wings and if the person did a specific motion would his projection fly upwards. The screens were on a big stage that was in a very large room with other inventions. When we did our observations of this part of the exhibition there were a class of teenagers that was interacting with the screens. But there could only be two person per screen so there was a queue for this part of the museum.
An instructor was there to explain what kind of motions they could do for the projection to do different things. One thing that I liked was that they did not only try to immerse the person visually but also with audio. I think that it made the experience more immersive. I think that most of the users had a great time exploring what you could do with the screens. I think that the creators intentionally made a low number of functions for the screens so that persons would only use it for a short time period. The few improvements that I could think of would be to make it more visually stimulating with maybe more colours and more details, but they went with a silhouette style on their projection wich maybe is an artistic choice. I did not try out the device myself but I think that there can be improvements on the sensors and to make the device more responsive.
A picture of the three screens from the exhibition Digital Revolution.
//Kenneth Runnman
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